Nurturing Early Years Education and Care IN PALESTINE

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About the Conference

The care and promotion of early childhood is a key priority in all societies because the children of today are the youth of the future. Therefore, all education and socialization agencies are working vigorously to ensure a safe and stable childhood. Responsibilities are distributed in the care and education of children, starting from the family and the group to which the child belongs; as well as society in general, which is handled by various ministries in countries, including specifically the ministries of education and social development.

Looking at the categories of Palestinian society, we find that it is a young society and most of its members are children and young people. According to the statistics of the Central Statistical Organization, the number of children under the age of eighteen in Palestine reached 2,311,396 children, while the number of children under the age of four reached 718,923 children. There is great emphasis on the importance of caring for this group, especially pre-school stage, whether in nurseries, kindergartens, or other institutions that care for early childhood.

Great efforts have been made in sponsoring this category by governmental, private and international institutions. Various programs have been presented to this category, the latest of which is the CARE project. This project is a structural project, meaning that it is a project that deals with activities related to changing various policies and programs in improving and promoting early childhood in Palestine, including shedding light on the reality of early childhood in Palestine through a scientific conference that discusses all aspects related to childhood in Palestine.

Based on the above, the idea of the conference is to examine and address the reality of early childhood in Palestine, with a focus on the reality of socialization in Palestine through its various agencies, whether the family, nursery or kindergarten.

Al-Quds Open University invites you, through the Early Childhood Promotion Project in Palestine funded by Erasmus and in partnership with the European and local universities partnering in the project, to submit scientific papers within the themes of the conference, which will be held in Ramallah

Conference objectives

  1. Shine a light on the reality of kindergartens and nursery provision.
  2. Explore and identify successful experiences and initiatives in the field of early childhood.
  3. Involve the local community and its various stakeholders in advocating for children’s rights and achieving civic and community participation in caring for children at an early age.
  4. Produce a number of advanced research outputs in the field of early childhood, in partnership with partner European universities

Call For Papers

Important Dates

Deadline for Abstract submission: 31/8/2024 

Deadline for abstract acceptance: 10/09/2024 

Deadline for submitting the final research paper: 25/10/2024 

Inform of accepted research paper: 10/11/2024 

Conference Date:  25/11/2024 

Scope and Interests

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  1. The reality of kindergartens and nurseries in Palestine and the mechanism for strengthening these institutions
  2. Successful experiences and initiatives in the field of early childhood care. Identification of good practice in kindergarten and nursery provision
  3. Legal frameworks that deal with early childhood; and educational research and policy making.
  4. Legislations of home nursery.
  5. Ethical issues.
  6. How to deal with trauma both for educators and children.
  7. Resilience for children.
  8. Educational leadership.
  9. Higher education in ECD- teacher education and development.
  10. Socialization of children in the digital age.
  11. Best practices for dealing with children by the agencies of socialization and education
  12. Children with disabilities in early childhood: The Inclusion perspectives.
  13. Literacy.
  14. Early childhood education curricula and methods.
  15. Digital technology and their impact on children.
  16. Creative and innovative approaches
  17. Educational evaluation for early childhood educational service.


Preparatory Committee:

Name Institution Description
Iyad Abubaker Al-Quds Open University Chairman
Bayan Shobaki Al-Quds Open University Member
Amani Hamayel Al-Quds Open University Member
Ravinder Barn Royal Holloway University Of London Member
Imelda Graham Universal Learning Systems Member
Luís Castanheira Polytechnic Institute Of Bragança Member
Radwan Aburukba Al-Aqsa University Member
Muhanad Amer. Al-Aqsa University Member
Sulaiman Basharat Al-Rawdah University College Member
Khaled Kukhun Al-Rawdah University College Member
Samar Abu Shamat Al-Rawdah University College Member
Dima Taweel Ministry Of Social Development Member
Basel Jaradat Ministry Of Social Development Member
Mohsen Qawasmieh Al Ummah University collegue Member
Firas Al Asmar Al Ummah University collegue Member
Rabee Ateer Al Ummah University collegue Member
Elisabeth Donne PIXEL and University of Florence Member
Elena Mignosi University of Palermo Member
Marina Galioto University of Palermo Member
Wafaa Ashour Ministry of education And Higher Education Member
Maria Ampratrazaki UOC Member

Scientific Committee:

Name Institution Description
Prof. Atef Asouli Al-Quds Open University Chairman
Dr. Iyad Abubaker Al-Quds Open University Member
Dr. Mahmoud Hawamdeh Al-Quds Open University Member
Dr. Nafez Ayoub Al-Quds Open University Member
Dr. Atef Awwad Al-Quds Open University Member
Prof. Ravinder Barn Royal Holloway University Of London (RHUL) Member
Dr. Imelda Graham Universal Learning Systems Member
Dr.  Alan Bruce Universal Learning Systems Member
Dr. Michail Kalogiannakis University Of Crete Member
Dr. Maria Ampartzaki University Of Crete Member
Dr. Stamatios Papadakis University Of Crete Member
Dr. Cristina Mesquita Polytechnic Institute of Bragança Member
Prof. Luís Castanheira Polytechnic Institute of Bragança Member
Dr. Catarina Vasques Polytechnic Institute of Bragança Member
Dr. Asmaa Alderbashi. Al-Aqsa University Member
Prof. Ayda Saleh. Al-Aqsa University Member
Dr. Rania Abedelmonaem Al-Aqsa University Member
Dr. Abdallah Alkhateeb Al-Aqsa University Member
Dr. Aysha Abd-Rabo Al-Rawdah University College Member
Dr. Sulaiman Kayed Al-Rawdah University College Member
Dr. Nabil Abedalhadi Al-Rawdah University College Member
Dr.Firas Al Asmar AL-Ummah University College Member
Dr.Elena Mignosi University of Palermo Member
Dr. Rabee Ateer AL-Ummah University College Member
Dr.Wafaa Ashour Ministry of education and Higher Education Member




Ramallah, #####



Conference Organizer

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Al Quds Open University

Ramallah / Palestine


Al Aqsa University (AQU)

Gaza / Palestine


Al Rawda University College

Nablus / Palestine


Al-Ummah University College

Jerusalem / Palestine

University of Palermo


Universal Learning System


University of Crete


Polytechnic Institute of Bragança



Associazione Pixel



Royal Holloway University of London (RHUL)


Ministry of Social development


Ministry of Education


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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.