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Al- Quds open University and Al- Rawdah University College held an internal meeting on 31-7-023 to proceed with the Courses Development
An internal meeting brings up the lead party of the EU Erasmus Project “Enhancing Early Childhood Education and Care in Palestine “CARE, represented by Ms. Bayan Shobaki ;the project coordinator and Dr. Iyad Abu Baker; the technical Director of the Project ,Ms. Lamees Shalash , the team leader for the technical team and from Al- Rawdah University College ;Ms. Samar Abu Shamat the manager of Work Package 2 in Ramallah the thirty first of July 2023 ; to review all the scientific materials received from the Palestinian Universities according to the set forth in the action plan that gears the development process, and to plan for developing the e- courses for the vocational diplomas for both the In- Service Care givers at the Nurseries and the Pre- Service teachers at the Kindergartens.
The meeting concluded to assign a scientific committee to review the two books “Socialization in Early Childhood) and the book “Management in Nurseries and Kindergartens” which contains eight units each. And to assign a meeting on 14-8-023 to bring the IT representative from each PA university and the academics to proceed with the E- courses development.
On another side, Ms. Bahaa Al- Zaghah from Al- Rawdah University College joined the meeting to discuss some relevant financial issues.