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Disclaimer: This Project Funded by the European Union. Views And Opinions Expressed Are However Those of the Author(S) Only and Do Not Necessarily Reflect Those of the European Union or The European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither The European Union nor EACEA Can Be Held Responsible for Them.

Care Guideline of dissemination process

First : Share News and Media

First: share news and activities

We have created a special folder for each partner on Google Drive.

  • The Access Link To The Folder Will Be Provided  To Each Partner Institution Via Email Of Its Coordinator Address That Will Allow Her/Him To Access To The Folder Using Google Cloud Account Which Is A Gmail Account

    • Remark: It is necessary to provide us with an email address which uses Google Cloud. It must include an extension

Please add summary of the activity, activity details, including photos and videos to your folder following these steps:

  • Great a sub folder and name it as the date of the activity that you have done
  • The dissemination team at Al-Aqsa University will publish the news and activities you added.

Second: Documentation of activities

Second: Documentation of activities

Documentation of local and international activities with photos, videos and news reports in English and Arabic Language

  • Video recording of the activity from the beginning to the end 
  • Short video summarizing the activity and shows the participants’ opinions and attitude toward the activity 
  • Printed materials ( PTT, PDF) 

Third: Action Plan for Each Package

Third: Action Plan

Partners should share their action plan with the dissemination team with short details about each activity including activities and events indicating (the finished activities, ongoing activities, activities to do)

  • Video recording of the activity from the beginning to the end 
  • Short video summarizing the activity and shows the participants’ opinions and attitude toward the activity 
  • Printed materials ( PTT, PDF)