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On the eleventh of September 2023, the “CARE” team presented by the University of Palermo (UNIPA) and Rawdah University College (RUC) in cooperation with Quds Open University (QOU); the leader of the project; conducted the monthly meeting of the members of the development work committee via Zoom, with a representative from each partner institute. The meeting aimed to keep the committee updated on the preparation of the ToT training which is planned to be implemented in Palermo in January 2024,and to highlight on the In- Process activities that are related to developing the two books” Socialization in the Early Childhood and the Book ”Management in Kindergartens and Nurseries”, In addition to developing the courses of the pre- service Vocational Diploma for teachers at kindergartens and the In- service Vocational Diploma for the Care giver at the Nurseries. In addition to setting the action plans for the Strategic Plan for Childhood and Interventions (ECD).
The meeting ended with assigning a task for the partners to review and comment on the Guide for Nurseries Licensure, and to provide any materials that support the home- based nurseries… In addition to setting the program for the next meeting.