Disclaimer: This Project Funded by the European Union. Views And Opinions Expressed Are However Those of the Author(S) Only and Do Not Necessarily Reflect Those of the European Union or The European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither The European Union nor EACEA Can Be Held Responsible for Them eu_logo

Pixel is an international education and training institution with over 20 years of experience in international cooperation and project management. Established in Florence (Italy) in January 1999, Pixel obtained quality certification according to UNI EN ISO 9001. Pixel is also accredited by the Italian Ministry of Education.12 people work as full-time staff and over 100 external experts and trainers cooperate with Pixel.

Pixel has relevant expertise and significant experience in the following areas:

In the past 22 years Pixel successfully coordinated and managed over 130 European projects.  The European programmes that funded the projects in which Pixel was involved are: Erasmus+ (KA2 Strategic Partnerships, Knowledge Alliances, and Capacity Building), Lifelong Learning, eLearning, Leonardo da Vinci, Socrates Minerva, Socrates Grundtvig, Socrates Lingua, Socrates ODL, Justice, and Safer Internet. More information on the European projects carried out is available at http://www.pixel-online.net/PRJ_european_projects_lista.php
Pixel organizes and delivers international in-service training courses on different topics such as European cooperation, new technologies for education, innovative educational methodologies, language learning etc. Some of these courses have been delivered in over 50 editions so far. An average of 300 participants, from all over the world, attends Pixel international courses every year. Since 2011, Pixel also organizes the international Master on European Project Planning and Management that has now reached its 10th edition. More information is available at http://europlan.pixel-online.org/index.php
Pixel organizes international conferences. Three of them are organized on a yearly basis. About 250 participants attend each of the events representing over 50 countries in the five continents. More information is available at http://conference.pixel-online.net/
Pixel has developed international partnerships with over 500 organizations worldwide. Pixel’s transnational partners are: Higher Education Institutions, Schools, VET Organizations, Adult Education Institutions, Public Authorities, Research centres etc. based all over the world. More information about Pixel can be found at http://www.pixel-online.net.

Project Team​