Al-Ummah University College

Al-Ummah university college subordinate to the ministry of Al-Awqaf and Islamic affairs in Jerusalem, and the ministry of higher Education and scientific research, it seeks to be at the top of all the academic institutions and one of the pioneering institutions in terms of its technical, educational and administrational staff, throw its physical and technological capabilities to serve the students and the local community needs.
Al-Ummah college was established in 1983, the college started as a community college, since its establishment and until it was accredited as a university college in 2019, through an announcement made by the minister of higher education and scientific research Dr. Mahmoud Abu Mowais, in the university college graduation party that time, the college is located in the main street between Ramallah and Jerusalem.
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It consists of a modern building that includes classrooms, a theater, conference and seminar hall, administrative offices, computers, labs, graphic designs laboratories, and electrical engineering, a technical and musical atelier, scientific labs, cafeteria, sports hall. It also offers different varieties of academic majors according to the needs of the Palestinian labor market, with a capacity of 6oo students. Hundreds of students graduated from the college in various majors, so the college will be strengthening its relationship with the labor market by signing agreements with partners including the major national companies in the private sector such as Jerusalem district electricity company and others. Throw its long academic journey, Al-Ummah college had graduated tens of cohorts of the Palestinian Students, in different academic and technical majors, in various fields to serve the needs of the market and the local community. The college was and still searching for the needs of the labor market. In order to keep up the college majors with the rapid scientific development, the college gave these majors a special attention, and it develops different technical and academic programs. That grants a diploma degree, until it had been developed to be a university college that grants a bachelor’s provide the local community with skilled graduates, who are able to keep up with the rapid development in the local labor market.Vision, Mission and Strategic goals
College vision:
Toward a leading and prestigious Jerusalem college in the field of higher education, technical, and scientific research in Palestine, with a high global standers and quality
The College Mission:
The most important thing in the education outputs is the ‘graduates’, and the labor market requirements, however reaching this goal depends on the ability of providing the basic inputs from the human cadres, programs, and educational tools and methods that must be used in colleges to produce talented graduates who are able to engage in this market and keep up with its development and conditions. In addition to developing the collage presence on the scientific research map at all levels, national, regional and international.
Strategic Goals:
The College Mission:
The most important thing in the education outputs is the ‘graduates’, and the labor market requirements, however reaching this goal depends on the ability of providing the basic inputs from the human cadres, programs, and educational tools and methods that must be used in colleges to produce talented graduates who are able to engage in this market and keep up with its development and conditions. In addition to developing the collage presence on the scientific research map at all levels, national, regional and international.
Strategic Goals:
- Developing and increasing the university programs that fits the needs of the labor market.
- Developing and increasing conferences and scientific research activities and raising the college locally, regionally and internationally.
- Linking the college programs and majors, with the labor market needs.
- Achieving and developing a real partnership in introducing new majors or by developing current majors with significant institutions from the local labor market.
- Working on achieving the sustainable goals.
- Applying the total quality principles of the administrative, technical and academic services that the college provides to its students and to the local community.
- Building an institutional culture that agrees with the college mission and vision.
- Focus on developing the human cadre in the college
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Strategic aim In order to achieve its aim, the college future plan aims to achieve the following strategies:- Developing the college academic and administrative system and expand its infrastructure horizontally and vertically.
- Developing and creating programs that provide the local labor market with skilled graduates that fits the needs of the labor market and correspond with the college vision and mission.
- Keep developing the curricula to keep it up with the needs of the local market in order to achieve the mission of the college and its strategic goals, including course descriptions, textbooks, and standardizing the scientific content with other colleges.
- Improve the college infrastructure constantly, to enable the college to implement its future programs and activities.
- Raising the workers efficiencies by a continues development of human recourses through external and internal scholarships for post graduate studies and through training programs, in addition to an in-service training.
- Establishing a full partnership with various economic sectors for graduates in order to develop the educational process along with the needs of these emerging sectors, as well as establishing joint projects and programs that help create new job opportunities.
- Establishing twinning programs with regional and international counterpart Acceding to the UNESCO and other relevant regional and international organizations. Create a scientific journal.
- Encourage writing, conferences, translation.
- Documenting scientific cooperation frameworks with local and international institutions and establishing a scientific research center.
- Provide an academic and democratic environment for the students.
- Set a base for achieving quality standards in higher education and keep developing it.