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‘The CARE project announces their exciting conference: Nurturing Early Years Education and Care in Palestine: Hopes, Aspirations and Reality’
“Providing children with support and hope for their future during violence and harm more relevant now than ever”
The CARE Conference organisers are pleased to announce that Speakers and papers have now been selected for the Conference on 25th November 2024. There will be speakers from Palestine in-person at the conference; the International Speakers will include Dr. Mathias Urban, Desmond Chair of Early Years Education at Dublin City University in Ireland, and Dr. Ravinder Barn of Royal Holloway University in Britain.
The Care Project is proud to share this timely news which will enhance and support the development of the Early Years sector in Palestine.
The sector is important, especially at this time, in supporting teachers, children, and their families in building a quality education system for the future. Such a system will not only educate, but also support children and families to heal and recover from the trauma experienced during the current situation, enabling the children to benefit from the learning being offered.
Under the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, every child under the age of 18 has a right to education, and they should live with a sense of safety, support and health. Sadly, in many places in the world, particularly in Palestine, we are not yet meeting that standard, meaning children are being robbed of what should be the joy and playful freedom of youth and time to grow as best fits each one. We hope and aim that this project will benefit the children of Palestine especially in the current difficult situation.
Through our collaboration with our partners in Italy, Ireland, UK, Greece, and Portugal, we have been able to work with educators, teachers, parents and the children themselves to best meet their needs and realities, developing tailored professional programmes for teachers and standards for kindergartens and nurseries. These outcomes will help children thrive in the future, support educators in developing trauma awareness, and offer tools to their parents for continued support.
We welcome all engagement with the project, through our conference, and we are calling for the submission of relevant research papers. Please register for the conference on the website, where submissions for papers can also be accepted. https://care.edu.ps/ conference
CONTACT FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Al-Quds University, Dr. Iyad Abu Bakeer, ebaker@qou.edu.
Local in Ireland: Imelda Graham, ULS, igraham@uls.com; WhatsApp: +353858488120