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The development committee of the field training guide which consisted of representatives from partner universities of the CARE project conducted the second meeting on Sunday 4/9/2022 to discuss the comments and suggested edits on the axes of the field training guide.
During the meeting, the directors of the development package at the partner universities presented the proposals and observations for each university to improve the field training manual, which aims to develop a new methodology for field training in kindergartens. Dr. Iyad Abu Bakr presented the comments of Al-Quds Open University. In the same context, some suggestions from Al-Aqsa University were offered by Dr. Rania Abdel Moneim. Al-Ummah University suggested some edits presented by Dr. Rabie Abu Ateer. Furthermore, Ms. Bhana from Al-Rawda University discussed the evaluations of the trainee teacher. All the suggested edits and comments were discussed with the guide preparation team.
The meeting concluded that a member from each partner university would be nominated to make the required amendments to the manual. Ms. Samar Abu Shamat should send an e-mail with the names of the candidates from each team in the partner universities.