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With the participation of the CARE Project partners, the Development work package leader in cooperation with Al- Quds Open University held the monthly meeting on the thirteenth of February 2023 via Zoom; to share with the development committee the current status of the project. The total number of the attendees was fifteen.
Ms. Samar Abu Shamat ;the Development Work package director from Rawdah University College side; delivered a presentation that shed the light on the implemented activities regarding the training courses that were held to build the capacity of the Palestinian academic staff at the Polytechnic Institute of Braganca in Portugal, the University of Palermo in Italy and the University of Crete in Greece. Afterwards, the trained academic staff had prepared the field training manual for Kindergartens and Nurseries; it’s almost done with a little bit touch from the designer; also, all the presentations and the extra readings are available now at the CARE Project ‘s Website. In addition to that, the partnered Palestinian universities, held different session to share their knowledge and experience with other class of academics and administrators, moreover the kindergarten teachers and the education supervisors with the media coverage.
Then she added that the Pre- Service Professional Diploma proposal was prepared by the Palestinian partners and sent to the National Accreditation and Quality Assurance Commission for the review and accreditation. As for the Professional Diploma for the In- Service Care giver at the Nurseries, the proposal was sent to the Ministry of Labor, and in process to have their accreditation for a certified vocational training center at Al- UMMAH University College. In addition to that, Dr. Alan Bruce and Dr. Teemu Patala from the Universal Learning System (ULS) conducted the second phase of the technical training in Ramallah in January 2023. As for the next step, the Palestinian partners will conduct an internal meeting to prepare an action plan for developing the course of Socialization and the Course of Management at Kindergartens and Nurseries. Also, the fourth academic training course will be held at the Royal Holloway University of London in May 2023. And Dr. Alan Bruce, as a dissemination team leader with Al- Aqsa University, will be in charge for the part of research proposal and conferences.