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The leaders of WP2; University of Palermo and Rawda University College; in cooperation with Quds Open University invited the members of the development committee to the monthly meeting which was held on the 23rd of August; to update them on the implemented activities and discuss with them the coming activities and the roles and responsibilities of each party.
Samar Ms. Samar Abu Shamat from Al-Rawda University College opened the meeting by welcoming all the participants. She gave analytical feedback on the training courses that were recently held in partner universities. She stated “The training courses that targeted the academic Palestinian Staff including the training course which was held from 20-24 June 2022 at the International Polytechnic of Braganca (IPB) in Portugal which focused on the Pedagogical Supervision, in addition to the last training which was held at University of Palermo in Italy from 18-22 July 2022 which was centered on the child development and the relationship with adults. Based on the trainees’ feedback and their level of satisfaction, the two pieces of training were implemented successfully, as the objectives of the training were achieved”. There was a commitment to the schedule and sessions’ contents with a coherent methodology in integrating the theory and practice and using an interactive approach through group work, role play, and other communicative activities.
Through the meeting, the participants presented the coming three pieces of training including the training course which will address 14 PA technical staff and will be held in Florence- Italy from 19-23 September 2022. All the logistics are prepared, and the next IT training in Ramallah will be held in January 2023 by the Universal Learning System (ULS). In addition, the third training will be held at the University of Crete (UoC) from 17-22 October 2022 entitled Literacies in Childhood”. The fourth training course is supposed to be held at the University of Holloway of London (RHUL) in March 2023 and will focus on Child Development and Social Environments & Families but it’s not fixed due to the coincidence of the Holy Ramadan Month with the training days.
As an outcome of the first and second pieces of training and best practices of sharing knowledge and experience between the Palestinians themselves and the Palestinians and European hosting Universities, the participants developed the Field Training Manual for Early Childhood in Palestine.
In the next stage, the Palestinian Participants will develop two courses and two diplomas including the Diploma for the Pre-Service Teachers at Kindergartens and the Diploma for the In-Service Care Givers at Nurseries.