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The Primary Preparation Meeting for the ToT Training Course
On the Twenty sixth of July 2023, and within the proposed activities of the EU Erasmus Project
Al- Quds Open University presented by Ms. Bayan Shobaki; the project coordinator and Dr. Eyad Abu Baker; the project technical director, held a meeting via Zoom with the lead of Work Package two; Dr. Elena Mignosi from the University of Palermo and Ms. Samar Abu Shamat from Al- Rawdah University College to discuss the first draft of the ToT training Plan, that was prepared by Dr. Eyad Abu Baker. And to give their reflections and comments to enrich the proposed plan.
The meeting concluded to share the postulated updated training Plan with the two Palestinian Ministries; the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Social Development to get their feedback, then to share it with the other European partners to finalize the training Plan, and to start preparing the needed materials after assigning the specific EU trainers per each topic or more.