Disclaimer: This Project Funded by the European Union. Views And Opinions Expressed Are However Those of the Author(S) Only and Do Not Necessarily Reflect Those of the European Union or The European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither The European Union nor EACEA Can Be Held Responsible for Them
With the context of the EU Funded project Erasmus +Program.” CARE” that demonstrates the spirit of Erasmus +program in respect to Education, Innovation and Partnership between universities and institutions in Palestine and Europe, Al- Rawdah University College (RUC) has implemented the second part of the community awareness campaign entitled “Encouraging parents to enroll their children in kindergartens . The campaign included preparing a digital story to highlight the importance of kindergartens in promoting Palestinian belonging, citizenship, and identity. A short video was also prepared that addresses the experience of some mothers before and after enrolling their children in kindergarten. The daily routine in the kindergarten affiliated with Al Rawda University College was highlighted as a model that enhances discovery, satisfies the child’s curiosity, and gives him/her knowledge and skills through play, music, and the use of safe technology. A coloring book for children was also prepared that addresses the special units of the Palestinian kindergarten curriculum to reinforce some concepts such as family, respect for diversity and differences between individuals, learning about the four seasons, appropriate clothing for each season, health, Ramadan, holidays, and beautiful Palestine…