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“CARE” project Team holds a discussion panel to present the results of the first diagnostic report of the project to promote early childhood education and care in Palestine
Under the auspices of Dr. Samir Al-Najdi , the presence of Dr. Majdi Zamel, Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs, representatives of a number of governmental, academic and private institutions, and a number of faculty members at Al-Quds Open University and partner universities, a discussion panel was held on 13-6-2022,accompanied by some participants via Zoom meeting; to present the results of the first diagnostic report of the Project to Strengthen the Early Childhood Education and Care in Palestine ,where Dr. Eyad Abu Baker /QOU delivered a presentation on the project, its objectives, the Work packages ,the expected outcomes and the partners. Then the speakers presented the analysis of the current childhood sector in Palestine from the perspectives of different agents:
- Samar Abu Shamat/RUC delivered the presentation from the perspective of the Government agencies, and then Dr. Rabee Iteer/UUC delivered another presentation from the perspective of Kindergartens and Nurseries, afterwards Dr. Aida Saleh/AQU Presented the perspectives of the Universities.
- Later on, Dr. Atef Assouli/QOU delivered a presentation on the Gap analysis between Palestine and Europe and the benchmarking.
- Finally, Samar/RUC delivered another presentation on the next stage, and the proposed activities deemed to bridge the gap and take a part in enhancing the outputs of the project.
- At the end of the discussion panel, the audience arose some questions and received feedback.
- What was really interesting is that that all attendees believe in a better future for the children as the solid pillar for the sustainable development in any society, and the MoE & MoSD ask for reinforcing the network between the government with the universities, labour markets and the local & international communities for the welfare of all the children and for the PA children in specific. And for further cooperation between EU and PA in projects and enhancing standards,