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On Tuesday 04/10/2022, The dissemination team of the care project at Al-Aqsa university led a virtual meeting with the partners of the care project to discuss a set of topics including partners’ profiles, the last training which took place at Pixel, in addition to discussing a proposal for a new campaign on the importance of Early Childhood Education, and any other updates and suggestions.
Mr. Yasser Salha and Mr. Ramez Sobh, the dissemination team at Al-Aqsa University, which is the leader of the dissemination WP welcomed the participants. An inclusive presentation was delivered by Mr. Salha explaining the first two topics and further discussions were opened.
From his side, Mr. Sobh presented the proposal for the new campaign which aims at raising awareness on Early childhood Education among the target communities. Many elements were discussed including the development of a digital story, promotion video, and suggested promoting statements. Furthermore, Mr. Salha and Mr. Sobh discussed with the participants the production of some printed materials including (pens, bags, coloring notebooks, colors, and T-shirts) to be distributed to the early childhood institutions during the activities of the project.