Disclaimer: This Project Funded by the European Union. Views And Opinions Expressed Are However Those of the Author(S) Only and Do Not Necessarily Reflect Those of the European Union or The European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither The European Union nor EACEA Can Be Held Responsible for Them.

Conference Title: Nurturing Early Years Education and Care in Palestine: Hopes, Aspirations and Reality

The idea of the conference is to examine and address the reality of early childhood in Palestine, with a focus on the reality of socialization in Palestine through its various agencies, whether the family, nursery or kindergarten.

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Rationale about the project

Project Overview

Enhancing Early Childhood Education and Care in Palestine

The CARE project Aims to Ensure Sustainable Delivery of Early Childhood Services Through Government Commitment, And Strengthened Partnership with Universities, Families and Relevant Institutions Locally, Regionally and Internationally.

Partners from both Palestine and The European Union Have Come Together to Work on This Innovative and Exciting New Project. This Project Focusses on Placing the Rights of The Palestinian Child as A Priority Issue for Both Government and The Palestinian People to Ensure the Highest Level of Equality and Justice in Obtaining Non-Compulsory Education.

Project Target

This project will target areas where children do not have the opportunity to avail of kindergarten supports, as well areas where children are already enrolled in a kindergarten. CARE will adapt best practice from far and wide to provide advice and support for nursery and kindergarten teachers and parents and all others who interact with them at this critical period of a child’s development.

A Radio Meeting with Dr. Iyad Abu Baker part of Project Community Campaign titled raise the awareness of importance of early childhood education .