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Resources of Training Course
University of Palermo, Italy



18-22 July 2022





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Academic Staff from project partners 

  • A “quality” concept not «objective». It’s historically and culturally determined, and it changes in time and in geographical space.
  • So, the quality concept of ECEC services is negotiated through dialogue in equip es in every context
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Vittoria Castagna Phd
University of Palermo
The 21st Century Skills Early Learning Framework (P21 ELF) was developed to encourage educators, providers of services to young children, administrators, and policymakers to include early learning as they develop strategies for full integration of 21st century skills into their learning programs.
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Presenter :
Elif Gulbay & Federica Martino
University of Palermo
The nursery is an educational and social service that the Municipality of Palermo offers to children and their families. The offer of services for children from 0 to 3 years old is made, up not only by the 26 municipal nurseries, but also by accredited private nurseries that gave to Municipality theyr availability of places.
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Index of works:
  • Formative pact
    • Definition of observation
    • Differences between observing and interpreting
    • Ecological theoretical framework
    • Who to observe and for what purpose

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  • Cinzia Novara
  • Gaetano Di Napoli
  • Massimiliano Schirinzi
  • marianna.alesi@unipa.it
it is important encourage a cultural and ethical-political change, involving the educational institution in order to achieve a renewal of the educational and social contexts and in an inclusive perspective.
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Elena Mignosi
Department of Psychological, Pedagogical and Educational Sciences
University of Palermo, Italy
Any loss or anomaly affecting physiological, anatomical, psychological structures or functions. Characterized by transient or permanent loss or abnormalities and represents the externalization of a pathological state and generally reflects localized organ disorders
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Giuseppa Compagno
University Of Palermo
Our module is aimed at enhancing knowledge about resilience as well as of milestones of motor, cognitive, social and emotional development from 0 to 6 years. Moreover, it tries to provide skills to observe and assess these milestones in order to design educational interventions as well as to become familiar with some strategies to foster resilience
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  • cristiano.inguglia@unipa.it
  • marianna.alesi@unipa.it
Index of works:
  • a starting point and an opportunity to be seized to activate processes;
  • skills useful for further development
  • About your environment
  • What are some of the adversities faced by individuals, families, groups, communities in your area?
  • What are some negative outcomes that result from these adversities?
  • Can you identify any instances of better-than-expected outcomes?
  •  If so, what are the resilience processes that may have enabled these outcomes?

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Roberta T. DiRosa
Supporting Resources
Abstract Underlying the recent focus on embodied and interactive aspects of social understanding are several intuitions about what roles the body, interaction processes, and interpersonal experience play. In this paper, we introduce a systematic, hands-on method for investigating the experience of interacting and its role in intersubjectivity.
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Hanne De Jaegher & Barbara Pieper & Daniel Clénin3 & Thomas Fuchs
Intersubjectivity is a concept central to human interaction, broadly understood as the sharing of minds. There is a rich diversity of conceptualizations of intersubjectivity, but detailed operationalization for its component processes in social interactions are scarce. We propose a novel approach to examine detailed variation in intersubjectivity in interaction.
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Authors :
University of Helsinki
The neural circuits activated in a person carrying out actions, express ing emotions, and experiencing sensations are activated also, auto matically via a mirror neuron system, in the observer of those actions, emotions, and sensations.
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Vittorio Gallese & Morris N. Eagle & Paolo Migone
While traditional theories of cognition tend to conceive of mental capacities as disembodied or merely supervenient on brain states, in recent decades the insight has spread that mental processes cannot be confined to activities inside the skull alone.
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Authors :
Durt, Christoph, Thomas Fuchs, and Christian Tewes.

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