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Resources of the Training Course

Polytechnic Institute Of Bragança - Portugal



June 20th - 24th 2022




Training Title: Pedagogical Supervision in Early Childhood Education

The rationale for the Training:

The process of guidance/supervision of professional practice presupposes a continuous (re)construction of theoretical, organizational, and pedagogical knowledge, with a view to professional and personal development in continuity and oriented to respond to the complex and demanding task that is the training of future childhood educators. Supervision is complex and involves several actors who participate in the educational process, such as university teachers, childhood educators, and their practices and initial training of students. This course aims to think of supervision as an instrument of training, innovation, and the reconstruction of practices. It is supported by supervisors through the analysis of supervisory models, processes, and competencies, exploring concepts, practices, and their relationship with specific didactics. It focuses on the link and relationship between initial training and continuing education, designing it as an integrated collaborative learning process, seeking to establish the necessary connections between the training processes and practices carried out at the higher education institution and the intervention practices that develop in the contexts that welcome trainees. It, therefore, stresses the link between training, intervention, and supervision, designing the latter as a horizontal process with reflexive instance and as research for action. This framework emphasizes the necessary creation of extended learning communities and the processes of reconstruction knowledge throughout life.

Training Course Methodology

The sessions will be face-to-face and a sustained approach to knowledge of a theoretical and practical nature will be promoted, to promote the involvement of participants. It is based on the observation of practices in contexts, and the supervisory processes involved in initial training. It will be promoted the analysis of texts, practices, and reports that stimulate the deconstruction of beliefs and reconstruction of knowledge about the supervisory pathways experienced and/or observed, valuing the processes of horizontal supervision to the detriment of vertical supervision The training is designed for 18 members and will be developed using group dynamics that will involve them in cooperative work, in reflections with the
trainers of the Center for Research in Basic Education and the School of Education of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança.

Training Objectives:

The Objectives of these five days of training are:

  • Analyze supervisory models determining their conceptual fundamentals;
  • Compare the principles inherent to the various supervisory models with the pedagogical approaches that are assumed in the contexts;
  • Contextualize supervision within the framework of a collaborative process that favors the support and stimulation of trainees.
  • Analyze training experiences that promote reflective and quality work environments;
    Consider the role of supervision in promoting an investigative attitude toward professional practice;
  • Establish pedagogical connections between specific didactics and supervisory models.

Section 1: Presentations of the Training Course

Portuguese Education System

Portuguese Education System

The Ministry of Education (ME) and the Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education (MCTES) are responsible for the entire education system Portuguese.


MCTES is responsible for all higher education. The ME is supported by the Ministry of Labor, Solidarity and Social Solidarity (MTSSS) in preschool education.
View Presentation

Enabling Environments

Section 2 : Supporting Resources

Manual Sics(Ziko)

Well-being and Involvement in Care A process-oriented Self-evaluation Instrument for Care Settings

Authors: Ferre Laevers (Ed.) in collaboration with: Mieke Daems, Griet De Bruyckere, Bart Declercq, Julia Moons, Kristien Silkens, Gerlinde Snoeck, onique Van Kessel

Original dutch version :

Zelfevaluatie-Instrument voor Welbevinden en Betrokkenheid van Kinderen in de Opvang.
View Manual

Early Learning for Every Child Today

Early Learning for Every Child Today A framework for Ontario early childhood settings

Early Learning for Every Child Today: A Framework for Ontario’s Early Childhood Settings describes how young children learn and develop and provides a guide for curriculum in Ontario’s early childhood settings,

Best Start Expert Panel on Early Learning. December, 2006

Early Learning for Every Child Today: A Framework for Ontario’s Early Childhood Settings describes how young children learn and develop and provides a guide for curriculum in Ontario’s early childhood settings,
View Framework

European Early Childhood Education

Substantiation of the invisible: pedagogical documentation as professional development support

Substantiation of the invisible: pedagogical documentation as professional development support

Substantiation of the invisible: pedagogical documentation as professional development

ABSTRACT This study started from a collaborative work developed with a group of educators, who work in an institution that welcomes children from 0 to 6 years.
View Reference

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